haha ,
26 September 2010 | 1:34 AM | 0 star
oke , smalam pnye story lg best .after abes hafazan drjh khas . kitorg naek moto anis , me and nabila g kdai naek moto , haha . then tjatoh dhoo ~~ nseb baek org yg jual rti canai tow ta nmpk ktorg jto moto , and then back to school , shera na blajo bwk moto . haha dea PRESS kuad sgt seb bek ta tebabas dhoo . second trier , die press slow gle and moto tow ta bjalan lgsong , third trier , dea PRESS kuad gler . mse tow kitorg g mencekik , smpi tlupe budha sorg tow , skaly , PANGG DE BABOOOO ! masyaallah shera ! hahaha... ape seh kaw nih . kn aq da ckp jgn press kuad snadd , adu , kn 1 hal nk angkt moto tow dr longkang . mke dea cuak gler mse tow , mmg lha tow kn moto anis , mne shera x cuakk ! mke die cuak , mte dea bso gile . dea tkot anis marah , but aniz cool jer . nme lgi org bru blajo bwk moto kn . haha . kitorg ktawe , die pon ktawe . mmg ta leh lpe pristiwe mse tow . haha gelak ! then , mse aq ktawe . diorg tnye aq , wehh niena , kaw pndai bwk moto ? then , aq jwb . ta pandai . mke aq na bwk moto see my leg lha , na bwk moto , kaki ta jejak tnh la weh . then aq glak sendiri , diorg pon gelak kan aq , ahaha ! then balek . oke habes story . |